
My First Post-Op & Moving Forward: Journey to Baby L

November 16, 2023

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I'm Chelsea
I'm a wedding a portrait photographer based out of CT but originally from Georgia. I love all things bright and colorful (if you couldn't tell) and love pouring my heart into my business and my clients! I am also a proud Hufflepuff and share my life with my wonderful husband and sweet furbaby!
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I had my first post-surgery appointment yesterday and it left me with a lot of feeling. Firstly, everything is healing well. Despite still getting tired very quickly, I am improving as expected.

But it was a lot.

My Doctor is amazing and she has always been very honest with me regarding options moving forward and what she thinks is the best steps. She admitted that she didn’t know if surgery would’ve been the right call but, ultimately, it was the best decision we could’ve made. Thankfully, my Endometriosis is only stage 1, but there was a LOT of it in there… But, she did what she does and cleared everything out.

Moving forward, Ryan and I are cleared to start trying again. Unfortunately, because of the wonderful timing of everything, we can’t schedule our next IUI cycle until January. The clinic only closes their fertility IUI/IVF portion for about 10 days and, of course, that is when our December cycle will definitely take place. So for now, we wait which I think is harder than expected.

I know a lot of people wait years and years to succeed. It’s really freaking hard though. We’ve been waiting and trying for two years, not knowing that are chances were basically zero. Now, I’m being told my chances are great. But after all of those months of hoping and waiting and failing…it’s hard to continue waiting. It’s harder to continue being hopeful.

My infertility journey isn’t over. Thanks to my endo diagnosis, it will never be over. Even if we do succeed, I’m looking at years of hormones to control it when I’m not pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s a lot to take in and process.

But my journey isn’t over. There is still hope, even if it is from everybody but me.

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I'm a wedding a portrait photographer based out of CT but originally from Georgia. I love all things bright and colorful (if you couldn't tell) and love pouring my heart into my business and my clients! I am also a proud Hufflepuff and share my life with my wonderful husband and sweet furbaby!

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